Kajian Sejarah Dan Arsitektur Masjid Raya Sultan Riau Pada Masa Raja Abdurrahman 1819-1832
history, mosques, architecture, islands, sejarah, masjid, arsitektur, pulauAbstract
Indonesia is known as the country with the largest number of mosques in the world. One of the interesting mosques is the Great Mosque of the Sultan of Riau Penyengat. This mosque is very interesting to study because of its historical value. The problems of this research are (1) What is the history of the founding of the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque? (2) What is the process of building the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque? (3) What is the architecture of the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque? This research uses a historical approach. This research was carried out using three procedures, namely interviews, observation and documentation. The conclusions of this research are (1) The history of the founding of the Great Mosque of the Sultan of Riau Penyengat is related to Penyengat Island as a dowry. (2) The process of building the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque was carried out in a cooperative manner and egg whites were used as construction materials. (3) The architecture of the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque contains Islamic symbols. Based on the conclusions of the results of this research, it is recommended: (1) The Sultan of Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque is historical evidence whose authenticity must be maintained. (2) The values contained in the Sultan Riau Penyengat Grand Mosque can be used as a reference for us in living the lives of Muslims.
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