Eksistensi Tradisi Baritan Sebagai Budaya Lokal Serta Nilai Gotong Royong Dalam Masyarakat Desa Dongko Kecamatan Dongko Kabupaten Trenggalek
Tradisi Baritan, masyarakat Desa Dongko, gotong royongAbstract
The Baritan tradition is carried out by the people of Dongko Village every year in the month of Sura. Dongko Village Community Most of the residents work as farmers. The Baritan tradition is carried out as an expression of gratitude from the people to God Almighty who has protected their livestock and crops from pests and other intruders. The Baritan tradition can also increase mutual cooperation and togetherness in the Dongko Village community. The aim of this research is to find out 1) What is the history of the Baritan tradition in Dongko Village? 2) How is the Baritan tradition procession in Dongko Village? 3) What are the forms of mutual cooperation in implementing the Baritan tradition in Dongko Village? This research uses a qualitative approach and ethnographic research type. Researchers obtained data through observation, interviews and documentation. The conclusion reached by researchers is that the Baritan tradition began with a tragic incident that befell the farmers of Dongko Village. Many farmers' livestock died. In the baritan tradition there is a procession that takes place from start to finish. The aim of the Baritan tradition is not only to preserve culture, but also as a means of increasing mutual cooperation for the Dongko community.
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