Tradisi Ogoh-Ogoh Dalam Rangkaian Nyepi Sebagai Bentuk Eksistensi Umat Hindu Pura Agung Dewi Savitri Di Dusun Sawur Desa Bulusari Kecamatan Tarokan Kabupaten Kediri


  • M. Ipung Zainul Islam Sumarwoto
  • Heru Budiono
  • Yatmin


Hindu,, Nyepi,, Ogoh-ogoh,, Tradition.


Nyepi is a Hindu religious holiday which has a series of activities carried out. The Ogoh-ogoh tradition is one of the activities that occurs before Nyepi as a form of yadnya to the Bhuta Kala so that they do not destroy the universe. The focus of this research consists of 1. What are the various religious ceremonies and implementation in the Pura Agung Dewi Savitri Hindu community ? 2. What is the meaning of the Nyepi Ceremony and the Ogoh-ogoh tradition which is the culture of the Hindu community at Pura Agung Dewi Savitri ? 3. How is the Ogoh-ogoh tradition in the Nyepi ceremony a form of existence of the Hindu community at Pura Agung Dewi Savitri ? The research method used is descriptive qualitative to obtain information related to the culture and traditions of the Hindu people. Research results 1. There are ten main ceremonies carried out at Pura Agung Dewi Savitri 2. Nyepi and Ogoh-ogoh are a means for people to purify themselves from negative things for one year. 3. The Ogoh-ogoh tradition is a means and symbol of the existence of the Hindu community in the Sawur Hamlet community, Bulusari Village. These traditions and ceremonies are a symbol of the existence of the Hindu people


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How to Cite

Sumarwoto, M. I. Z. I. ., Budiono, H. ., & Yatmin. (2024). Tradisi Ogoh-Ogoh Dalam Rangkaian Nyepi Sebagai Bentuk Eksistensi Umat Hindu Pura Agung Dewi Savitri Di Dusun Sawur Desa Bulusari Kecamatan Tarokan Kabupaten Kediri. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 7, 159–172. Retrieved from




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