Model Pembelajaran Integratif MKWK Melalui Metode Problem Based Learning (Inovasi Pembelajaran di Era VUCA)


  • Sujarwoko Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Integrative learning model, Problem based learning method, student exchange


Learning MKWK (Compulsory Curriculum Subjects) Higher education which consists of subjects on religion, Pancasila, citizenship, and Indonesian is included in the national curriculum. This means that the four courses must be carried out by all study programs in tertiary institutions. The four courses, which have been carried out independently, in this paper are proposed to be carried out in an integrated manner in one class with 4 supporting lecturers. Through an integrated CPMK, classes are first grouped into 4 groups according to the number of courses. In accordance with the jigsaw cooperative learning type, the four groups are the original group. Each group is taken one member and become a group of experts. Expert group 1 as religious experts represented group 1 of origin, expert group 2 as Pancasila experts, group 3 as citizenship experts, and group 4 experts as Indonesian language experts. The MKWK integrative learning model can be applied in realizing the MBKM program, especially in the form of student exchange learning activities: 1) in different study programs within PT, 2) in the same study program outside PT, and 3) in different study programs outside PT, and what is more ideal is to do it in inter-island tertiary institutions.


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How to Cite

Sujarwoko. (2023). Model Pembelajaran Integratif MKWK Melalui Metode Problem Based Learning (Inovasi Pembelajaran di Era VUCA). Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1993–1999. Retrieved from


