Kepribadian Tokoh Utama Karang Samudra Daneswara dalam Novel Aku Tak Membenci Hujan Karya Sri Puji Hartini
Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud, id, ego, superegoAbstract
The background and aim of this research is to describe the personality of the main character Karang Samudra Daneswara in the novel Aku Tak Hating Rain by Sri Puji Hartini using Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory approach and using a literary psychology approach. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method that uses a literary psychology approach. The results of the research show that the personality aspects of the main character Karang Samudra Daneswara in the novel Ku Tak Hating Rain by Sri Puji Hartini include the id, ego and superego. The most dominant personality aspect of the main character is the superego. Found 24 superego data, superego is the moral values that apply in society in the form of prohibitions or commands. The superego determines whether a person's choices and actions are good and appropriate or otherwise. The ego aspect was found in 10 data, the ego ensures that the id's impulses can be expressed in a way that is acceptable in the real world. The id aspect was found in 21 data, the id is the most basic personality system in which there are innate instincts.
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