Analisis Kebutuhan LKPD Pada Materi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila untuk Kelas V SDN TIRON 4
history of development, church, growth, views of the congregationAbstract
During teaching and learning activities in class V SDN Tiron 4 experienced several obstacles, one of which was the LKPD used. This is due to the lack of educational staff at the school, as a result many teachers have concurrent assignments at the school and the delivery of learning materials is less effective. This study aims to analyze the learning needs of students who are used to support learning on the material values of Pancasila. Data collection methods used are observation and interviews. This research was conducted at Tiron 4 Public Elementary School, Kedir Regency. Based on research conducted on educators, it was found that students were less interested in Civics subjects, especially material on Pancasila values, the LKPD used in learning was also inadequate. While the results of research conducted on students obtained information that students were le ss interested in the LKPD used, they tended to feel bored because educators used the lecture method. Based on the results of this analysis it is known that educators and students need worksheets that can help support the understanding and level of activeness of students in learning, especially in the material of Pancasila values
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Copyright (c) 2023 Evihan Ridho Irma Sholikhatin, Ilmawati Fahmi Imron, Erwin Putera Permana
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