Mengatasi Romantisasi Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Gen Z Melalui Bimbingan Konseling Berbasis Nilai Ajaran Moral "Tat Twam Asi"
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This research aims to develop a counseling guidance program based on local wisdom of Tat Twam Asi's teachings, which emphasizes equality, empathy, and harmony between people. With this approach, it is hoped that it can reduce the romanticization of mental health disorders through increasing public awareness. The teachings of Tat Twam Asi are relevant as a solution because its values, such as wisdom, self-control, and sustainable kindness, encourage a more constructive attitude towards mental health issues. This research is expected to contribute to efforts to deromantarize mental health and build a more inclusive and empathetic social awareness.
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Mahmudah, H. F. ., & Farhah, H. L. . (2025). Mengatasi Romantisasi Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Gen Z Melalui Bimbingan Konseling Berbasis Nilai Ajaran Moral "Tat Twam Asi". Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 176–183. Retrieved from
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