Peran Generasi Z Dalam Mewujudkan Persatuan Bangsa

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Desenda Tria Rahayu
Dewi Nurul Amin Narsih
Indra Tahmidas Shulha


Generation Z born between mid-1997 and early 2012, is known as an adaptive and innovative digital generation. Their characteristics include openness to differences and the ability to communicate across cultures. In facing challenges such as intolerance and differences in views, Generation Z has great potential to strengthen national unity. Through the use of technology and social media, they can spread positive messages, fight for tolerance, and increase awareness of the importance of togetherness. This generation is also active in social and economic activities, showing concern for national issues. Cross-regional collaboration carried out by Generation Z creates a space for dialogue that strengthens relations between citizens. With strategic roles in various sectors, Generation Z is a driving force in realizing strong and harmonious national unity in the future


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How to Cite
Rahayu, D. T. ., Narsih, D. N. A. ., & Shulha, I. T. . (2025). Peran Generasi Z Dalam Mewujudkan Persatuan Bangsa. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 362–371. Retrieved from