Generasi Z Kreatif : Bagaimana Kearifan Lokal Membentuk Inovasi Mereka

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Seftyhani Wulan Nurida
Sheyla Lathifah


Local wisdom is a way of life and knowledge that explains how local community strategies can solve various problems by meeting their needs. In developing Indonesian national character values, local culture or wisdom must be utilized as a basis for identity development alongside technological advancements. Generation Z is born with progress. To inspire creativity among Gen Z through local wisdom, it requires both creativity and integration with technology assistance. Utilizing technology and social media such as creating short videos showcasing traditional dances, local cuisine, and folk tales can significantly influence Gen Z's creativity in promoting and enhancing local cultural values in Indonesia. The application of guidance and counseling serves as a function to help individuals develop potential within Gen Z using existing Indonesian cultural wisdom. Therefore, Gen Z should continuously apply creative local wisdom utilizing technological developments.


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How to Cite
Nurida, S. W., & Lathifah, S. (2025). Generasi Z Kreatif : Bagaimana Kearifan Lokal Membentuk Inovasi Mereka. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 4, 288–296. Retrieved from