Pengaruh Permainan Gobak Sodor Sebagai Penguatan Karakter Peserta Didik Melalui Layanan Bimbingan Konseling di Sekolah
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Traditional games such as gobak sodor hold great potential in supporting character development among students at school. In the context of character education, this game serves not only as a form of recreation but also as an effective medium for instilling values such as cooperation, discipline, sportsmanship, and responsibility. This article conceptually examines how gobak sodor can be integrated into counseling and guidance services as a strategy for student character development. The discussion focuses on the relevance of gobak sodor to the goals of character education, its implementation mechanisms in group counseling activities, and the benefits students gain in terms of social and emotional growth. This study highlights that the use of traditional games in counseling can create a fun and interactive learning environment, thereby strengthening social relationships and reducing academic pressure. Thus, gobak sodor can serve as a strategic tool to support the comprehensive and sustainable formation of positive student character
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