Miskonsepsi Individu Terhadap Cyberbullying dalam Lingkungan Sekolah

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Yesa Keren Hapukh Samma Sankapa
Yuhana Lusi Anggraini
Muhammad Ali Mafuddin
Muhammad Syarifudin
Rambu Yoseba Mau Awang
Arzeti Farida Dewantari


The state of the world today has shifted to a more modern era, where advances in various fields have been developed, one of which is internet technology. The internet provides various applications that can help activities, needs, and even entertainment for each individual human being, such as social media is an application that captures a lot of social interaction in cyberspace such as Instagram, X, TikTok applications, where in these applications there is a lot of interaction between individuals in the world through posting something like photos or writing. This social media application itself is favored by various groups, especially among young people, they use social media applications to express themselves. Whether it's sad or happy they will post the moments they experience and it invites people in cyberspace to comment, but sometimes this is what can be a boomerang for cyberbullying.The purpose of writing this article is to see about individual misconceptions about cyberbullying that occurs in the surrounding environment, especially in the school environment and change individual conceptions and awareness about cyberbullying that occurs around them must be stopped.


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How to Cite
Sankapa, Y. K. H. S. ., Anggraini, Y. L. ., Mafuddin, M. A. ., Syarifudin, M. ., Awang, R. Y. M. ., & Dewantari, A. F. . (2024). Miskonsepsi Individu Terhadap Cyberbullying dalam Lingkungan Sekolah. Prosiding Konseling Kearifan Nusantara (KKN), 3, 468–481. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/kkn/article/view/4471