The Influence of Power Point Media on Improving Students’ Vocabulary in High-Grade English Courses at SDN Genjeng 4 Nganjuk

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S.M Al Hezaid
Agung Wicaksono


This study was intended to explore the perceptions of high-grade students using power point media for learning English, However, in reality many students have problems with vocabulary. This makes it difficult for them to share experiences, opinions and ideas. The purpose of this study was to increase vocabulary in media using power point in developing students' English skills. The research was conducted with two classes, power point for the experimental class and conventional methods for the control class. Data was collected through pre-test, treatment and post-test of students' English vocabulary skills. This activity allows students to discover that the value of learning English is not a high test score, but doing things that others cannot do, getting positive psychological feedback, and recognizing learning English from the bottom of their hearts.This study aims to see whether Microsoft PowerPoint software is effective in improving students' ability to improve vocabulary. In analyzing the data, the preexperimental design was used this research.  Furthermore, data generated through pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed using t-test on Microsoft PowerPoint software. the conclusion when assessing with the t-test using SPSS version 26 then continuing the independent test and the results on the pres test are significant.


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How to Cite
S.M Al Hezaid, Agung Wicaksono, & Sulistyani. (2023). The Influence of Power Point Media on Improving Students’ Vocabulary in High-Grade English Courses at SDN Genjeng 4 Nganjuk. ELTT, 9(1), 235–241. Retrieved from


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