Learning strategies used by high achievers in speaking class in English education department of Nusantara PGRI Kediri university in the academic year 2021/2022
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Learning strategies in speaking skill means technique that learners employ to enhance their speaking ability. There are two learning strategies include Direct Strategies (Memory, Cognitive, and Compensation) and Indirect Strategies (Metacognitive, Affective and Social). Students use these learning strategies to increase their speaking ability. Sometimes students feel difficult and afraid to practice their speaking because they have few vocabularies, so they are confused about what to speak. To solve students' problems in speaking they need to use learning strategies appropriate with them. This study aims at answering the following questions. (1) What kind of learning strategies used by the high achievers, (2) How do the high achievers use the speaking learning strategies. The learning strategies used by the high achievers are direct strategy. Place new words or expression that has been heard into a meaningful context. Practice or saying the same thing several times. Record themselves so they can hear and compare their own voices with a native speaker's voice. Recombining involves constructing a meaningful sentence or longer expression by putting together known elements in new ways. Practice speaking with other people in natural setting provides interactive. Asking someone for help in a conversation. The speaking lecturer can give assignments that can improve students' learning strategies especially in speaking skill.
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