Improving Tenth Grade Students’ Listening Using Storytelling to Improve The Students’ Listening Comprehension in Online Class of SMK PGRI 3 Kediri

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Faiza Adibrata
Agung Wicaksono


Listening is a vital skill involving the reception and understanding of auditory information through verbal and non-verbal cues. Effective listening requires processing information, identifying key points, and responding appropriately. It is crucial for communication, relationships, and success in various fields. In the context of language learning, issues often arise from limited vocabulary and traditional teaching methods. Innovations like Storytelling can significantly improve listening skills. A study in a tenth-grade class demonstrated that Storytelling had a significant positive impact on listening comprehension, with students becoming more engaged and active in understanding the content.

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How to Cite
Faiza Adibrata, Agung Wicaksono, & Khoiriyah. (2023). Improving Tenth Grade Students’ Listening Using Storytelling to Improve The Students’ Listening Comprehension in Online Class of SMK PGRI 3 Kediri. ELTT, 9(1), 116–130. Retrieved from


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