Embedding character education in teaching speaking through problem based learning

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Hendri Surya Prasetya
Mahendra Puji Permana Aji


Character is a personal quality that manifests in daily activity in the forms of personality, character, and conduct. Character education is a crucial component of classroom learning that must be ingrained in kids. The Ministry of National Education has listed 18 characters that educators must use in their lessons, especially while teaching English. It is crucial to instill character education in students. Teachers must be able to implement character education using the appropriate method. Problem-based learning is one technique that can be used in character education through spoken instruction. This approach can teach pupil show to approach problems with character. This study intends to outline the procedures for embedding character education in the teaching of speaking through problem-based learning and to identify the characters that are implanted in class XI pupils at SMAN 7 Kediri. The English teacher was the focus of this qualitative descriptive study, which was carried out at SMAN 7 Kediri. Data is collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. According to the study's findings, character education in the classroom is conducted in three stages: pre-teaching, primary teaching, and post-teaching. According to other findings, students tend to be religious, honest, disciplined, creative, independent, curious, friendly/communicative, environmentally conscious, socially conscious, and responsible.

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How to Cite
Hendri Surya Prasetya, Khoiriyah, & Mahendra Puji Permana Aji. (2022). Embedding character education in teaching speaking through problem based learning. ELTT, 8(1), 52–60. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/eltt/article/view/2768


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