The Effectiveness of Teaching Speaking Using Snowball Throwing to Improve Students Speaking Ability of the Eleventh-Grade Students at SMAN 4 Kediri in Academic Year 2022/2023
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Students should practice speaking since it will help them communicate more effectively. It enables listeners to understand the speaker and avoid misunderstandings. However, teaching speaking is a complex undertaking. During the learning process, students face numerous challenges, such as a lack of vocabulary, speaking fluency, and inaccurate pronunciation. These issues can be overcome by employing a non-monotonous learning model. The snowball throwing model is one of the non-monotonous learning strategies that can increase students' speaking skills. This study was carried out to answer the following problem formulations: (1) What were the students' speaking abilities before being taught using the snowball throwing model at SMAN 4 Kediri? (2) How is the students' speaking ability after using the snowball throwing model at SMAN 4 Kediri? (3) How far is the effectiveness before and after the snowball throwing model at SMAN 4 Kediri? The quantitative research approach employed in this study was a pre-experimental study with pre-test and post-test design. Class XI IPS 4 samples were chosen. One group of 35 students was involved. The data were acquired using the following procedures: conducting the pre-test, giving the treatment, and conducting the posttest. After obtaining the test score, the data was examined and processed in SPSS using the t-test procedure. The pre-test results mean 47.40; after the pre-test, the treatment was given in the form of using the snowball throwing model on teaching speaking to improve students' speaking skills; during the treatment, there was an increase, as evidenced by the post-test results, which mean 72.37. To determine the importance, compare tcount to ttable is obtained at a significant level of 5%, and when compared to tcount 17.464, it can be shown that tcoun is more than ttable, namely 17.464> 2.034. As a result, there is a considerable difference between the pre-test and post-test within the sample group. As a result, the alternative hypothesis (ha) is supported, and the hypothesis (ho) is rejected, indicating that the snowball-throwing model in teaching speaking effectively improves students' speaking ability.
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