The Effect of Team Game Tournament (TGT) in Teaching Reading of Narrative Text to The First Semester at The Nurse Program of Health Sciences Faculty of Kadiri University
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Reading is one of four language skills. It is a receptive skill which involves responding to texts, rather than producing it. Reading also gives benefits in our life and has an important role in the learning process to get the information and knowledge. Teams-Games-Tournament is one of the team learning strategies, TGT have three structural components, teams, games, and tournaments. The team component involves assigning students in a classroom to a series of four- or five-member teams. The research design that is used in this study is quantitative research. The subject of the research was the students in the First semester of the nursing program of Health sciences Faculty of Kadiri University which consists of 40 students. The treatment that is given to the students is using Team Games Tournament technique to increase their reading ability and can achieve all aspect of reading, in this case the writer concern on using Team Games Tournament during reading for Narrative text. The treatment is given after pretest. The technique of analyzing the data which is used this writer is T-Test. Besides, in analyze t-test, t-score is higher than t-table. The score of t-test is 7,439 at the degree of freedom of 25 and t-table is 1,708 at the level of significant in 5% (0.05) and 2,485 at the level of significant 1%. It means that t- score (7,439) > t-table significance of 5% (1,708). So the Null Hypothesis ( Ho) was rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis ( Ha) was Accepted. Based on the result of t-test, it can be concluded that Team Games Tournament method was very significant effect.
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