The Influence of Input Flooding Toward Eleventh Grade Students’ Grammar Mastery
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Grammar is one of the important things in learning English and must be mastered by students. However, the problem that students often face is that they cannot understand grammatical elements and arrange words into correct sentences so they tend to be passive. Input Flooding Technique can make students active and more focused on the target object of learning, so that it can help students solve problems in learning grammar. The aim of this research is to determine students' grammatical abilities before and after being taught using input flooding, and to find out whether there is a significant effect of using the input flooding on class XI students at SMK PGRI Kediri in the academic year 2022/2023. Researchers used quasi-experimental research and quantitative approach with one group pretest and posttest. The sample chosen was class XI BDP1 with consisting of 29 students. The instrument in this research is a test. The data obtained from the test was examined and processed using the t-test procedure. The average pre-test result was 56.90; after the pre-test, input flooding treatment was carried out in grammar teaching; During the treatment there was an increase as evidenced by the post-test results which had a mean of 77.59. It can be seen that t-count is greater than t-table, 17.889 > 1.701. As a result, there was a big difference between the pre-test and post-test in the sample group. The results show that the input flooding technique in teaching grammar has an influence and improves students' grammar mastery.
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