Tradisi Megengan Dalam Mempertahankan Kearifan Lokal Di Desa Kranding Kecamatan Mojo Kabupaten Kediri
megengan tradition, public, local wisdomAbstract
The Megengan tradition is carried out to welcome the arrival of the holy month of
Ramadan which is carried out regularly by the Javanese people. The Megengan
tradition has meaning as a gratitude from the people to the Almighty God because
they are still given the opportunity to discuss the holy month of Ramadan. The
purpose of this research is to find out (1) What is the meaning of the megengan
tradition in Kranding Village? (2) How is the megengan tradition implemented in
Kranding Village? (3) What are the values contained in the megengan tradition in
Kranding Village? This research uses a qualitative approach. Researchers
obtained data through observation, interviews, documentation and literature review.
The conclusion obtained by the researchers is that the megengan tradition is a
tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation and has become
a routine tradition to welcome the holy month of Ramadan. The implementation of
the megengan tradition is to bring ambeng rice to the prayer room and be followed
by the local community, then tahlil and prayers for the ancestors are carried out led
by the imam or ustadz. In this case, the author hopes that the community will
maintain and maintain local wisdom by preserving traditions that have been
implemented since time immemorial.
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