Kepercayaan Sapta Darma Di Desa Mlorah Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk


  • Ferry Ferdian Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Sigit Widiatmoko Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Zainal Afandi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Sapta Darma, Mysticism, Teachings, Beliefs


This research is motivated by the observation that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village has its own uniqueness and specialty, which means that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village has local geniuses in its development. The purpose of this study was to find out how it first appeared, how the teachings and worship of the Sapta Darma sect in Mlorah Village were and to find out how it developed. The research method uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data about the person or object under study through written or spoken words or observable behavior. The implementation of the research was carried out in several stages of research, the first was the pre-research stage, the second was the research implementation stage, the third was the data analysis stage, and finally the research results reporting stage. The results of this study are to find out the history of the emergence of Sapta Darma, the teachings in Sapta Darma and the development of Sapta Darma in Des Mlorah. The conclusion is that Sapta Darma in Mlorah Village is a belief system that has local geniuses and must be preserved as Indonesian culture.


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How to Cite

Ferry Ferdian, Sigit Widiatmoko, & Zainal Afandi. (2023). Kepercayaan Sapta Darma Di Desa Mlorah Kecamatan Rejoso Kabupaten Nganjuk. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1718–1731. Retrieved from


