Laboratorium Bimbingan Dan Konseling UNP Kediri: Masalah Dan Potensi
keterampilan mahasiswa BK, kompetensi profesional, laboratorium BK, layanan BK professionalAbstract
The existence of the BK laboratory is very important to develop students' skills, so that they become competent and professional. In order to produce competent alumni, an ideal laboratory is needed. UNP Kediri has provided a BK lab., but has not been maximally utilized because of several problems that need to be overcome. In addition to trying to overcome problems, it is also necessary to explore the potential that can be developed so that the lab. BK becomes a lab. The ideal and can become a professional service unit. The purpose of this writing is to explore problems that arise and explore the potential that can be developed. Descriptively it can be explained that lab problems. BK UNP includes: Inadequate infrastructure and management that have not been implemented optimally. While the potential that might be developed includes: targets (users), activities, lab facilities. and lab. field -based fields and community, as well as management
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