Perkembangan Arsitektur Masjid Agung An Nur Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten Kediri Tahun 1996-2016
History,, development,, An Nur Great Mosque,, Kediri RegencyAbstract
The development of mosque architecture is increasingly rapid and closely linked to culture. One of the cultures in question is Islam, Hinduism and Javanese. One of the mosque architectures in question is the Great An Nur Mosque, Pare District, Kediri Regency. The aim of this research is to find out: 1). history of the founding of the An Nur Great Mosque, Pare District, Kediri Regency: 2). architectural development of the An Nur Grand Mosque, Pare District, Kediri Regency in 1996-2016: 3). architectural significance of the An Nur Great Mosque, Pare District, Kediri Regency: 4). The reason the An Nur Grand Mosque, Pare District, Kediri Regency does not have a dome. This research uses historical research methods with a qualitative approach. The research results show that the An Nur Great Mosque was built in 1975 with developments in 1996-2016 and has an excess congregation capacity of 10,983 people. Apart from that, the architecture also has symbols to convey Islamic law and advice to do good deeds. The An Nur Great Mosque has an overlapping roof and does not have a dome as a form of cultural preservation
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