Analisis Kebutuhan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Animasi Pada Materi Penggolongan Hewan Berdasarkan Jenis Makanannya
: needs analysis, learning videos, animal classificationAbstract
This research is motivated by the learning carried out seems not modern and has not been able to help teachers in creating interesting learning, the learning carried out is still monotonous so that it does not attract students' attention in learning. Teachers still rely on the media of images sourced from the internet and then printed. Learning activities carried out in class begin with the teacher telling students to open the student book and then only told to read, then the teacher begins to explain according to the material in the book, when learning takes place many students do not listen to what is instructed Students tend to lack focus when learning takes place and ignore the teacher in class, This really illustrates if students are less active during classroom learning. Based on the results of the interview, it is known that students find it difficult to understand the material because of limited learning media. With the use of digital animation-based learning videos , it can motivate students in the maximum learning process.
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