Tiktok Viewer’s Perception on Tiktok Content Towards Their Speaking Skill English Improvement
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In the global era, the use of communication media has developed so rapidly that people are faced with various choices to be able to access information either through conventional media or electronic media, and at this time, what is known to many people for its convenience is social media, for example TikTok. In learning a foreign language, TikTok could be an effective learning medium form exploring knowledge. This study aims to find out: (1) the perception of TikTok viewers towards TikTok content to improve their speaking skills; (2) how TikTok helps TikTok viewers to improve their speaking skills; (3) the problems faced by TikTok viewers when using TikTok to improve their speaking skills and its solution. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research with the purposive sampling technique. Five TikTok viewers were choosen as respondents. In this study, researchers used interviews and documentation as instrument and follows Miles and Huberman model for data analysis. The results showed that TikTok content has a significant but not excessive role in improving the viewer's speaking ability because it contains content that can be used to learn to speak with the characteristics of each content creator. Every TikTok viewer also has problems such as different accent used by the content creator. For the solution, TikTok viewers can used subtitles, saved favorite content, and employed online dictionaries. To some up, TikTok provides an engaging and enjoyable platform for language learning, offering diverse content tailored to individual learning preferences.
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