Students’ Perceptions Towards the Significance of The Preparation of English Proficiency Test
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In the increasing demand for English proficiency for educational and career purposes, the English proficiency test (TOEFL) is used to determine an individual's level of English proficiency. Getting the desired results of English proficiency test could be challenging; therefore, test preparation is available to assist test takers in preparing for the test. This study was, then, aimed at finding out (1) the role of test preparation strategies in improving students' abilities related to the English proficiency test (2) students’ perceptions of the significance of the preparation for the English proficiency test program. This research was mixed-method convergent parallel design. This study used a questionnaire and an interview as the instruments to collect the data. The subject of the research was 11th grade students from the same billingual class at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo. The findings of the study show that the test preparation strategies—simulation, practice, and discussion—were well-accepted by students, and the program ran smoothly. The preparation program also received positive feedback from the students. Students are now more aware of the significance of the English proficiency test for their future education and career after enrolling in the preparation program. of the research. ritten in English; concise and factual and is able to stand alone as a unit of information.
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