The Advantages of Artificial Intelligence ELSA Speak Application for Speaking English Learners in Improving Pronunciation Skills

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Pingky Widyasari
Ana Maghfiroh


The use of AI technology in an application or learning media is now very common, one of that is the ELSA Speak application. This application is considered quite effective and very helpful in improving English speaking skills, especially in pronunciation. This study aimed to explain what are the advantages obtained by using this application compared to other applications for speaking English learners. The method used in this study is a literature review which will be described qualitative descriptive. Researchers took ten scientific articles with a range of 2019-2023 obtained from Google Scholar. Based on the 10 articles that have been analyzed, the writer can conclude that the ELSA Speak Application is an application or pronunciation software based on artificial intelligence (AI) including automatic speech recognition (ASR) to provide feedback about the pronunciation accuracy of the user. The advantages of this application include: the application can be downloaded for free, can detect pronunciation errors with as much as 90% accuracy, the user can get feedback to correct mistakes, the application provides 1,200 lessons with more than 60 topics, besides that the application also offers an interactive dictionary. Elements of assessment and scoring of the application also include pronunciation, fluency, intonation, word stress, and listening. From these elements and aspects it has been proven that the ELSA Speak application is the most complete in terms of stress, intonation, accuracy and fluency.

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How to Cite
Pingky Widyasari, & Ana Maghfiroh. (2023). The Advantages of Artificial Intelligence ELSA Speak Application for Speaking English Learners in Improving Pronunciation Skills. ELTT, 9(1), 286–292. Retrieved from


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