Differentiated Teaching Methods in Teaching Writing Viewed From The Students’ Learning Style at SMKN 2 Kediri

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Firda Annisa Sukmayani
Yunik Susanti
Diani Nurhajati


Writing is one of the skills that must be mastered by someone who studies language. Through writing, we can express ideas, ideas and information into good sentences so that we can express everything that is in our minds into a text or a written language. In this research, writing skills consist of four aspects, namely generic structure, developing ideas, accuracy (vocabulary and grammar), and mechanics. The objectives of the research are to know the variation of students’ learning style, to know the students’ writing skills before and after using differentiated teaching methods in teaching writing viewed from the students’ learning style, and to know the effect of differentiated teaching methods in teaching writing viewed from the students’ learning style at class X AKL 1 SMKN 2 Kediri. In this research, the writer used a quantitative research approach which was conducted with experimental research design. Quantitative research approach is a method called the scientific approach because it has fulfilled scientific principles, namely concrete, objective, measurable, rational, and systematic. The subject of the research was the tenth grade students of SMKN 2 Kediri in academic year 2022/2023. The sample of the research were class X AKL 1 SMKN 2 Kediri consist of 33 students, they are 5 male students and 28 female students. This research was held the students were given pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The treatment was conducted twice in order to know whether there is a significant effect of using differentiated teaching methods in teaching writing viewed from students’ learning styles. The data were got from students’ score of pre- test and post- test that analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher used SPSS version 25. The result shows variations of the students’ learning styles at X AKL 1 SMKN 2 Kediri are visual learning style and auditory learning style. The data analysis result shows that the students' pre-test was 55,76, while the post-test score was 74,85. In addition, based on data analysis, the calculated t test is higher than the t table value (11,475 > 2,036). In other words, using differentiated teaching methods viewed from the students' learning styles in teaching writing has significant effect to improve students’ writing skills. Teachers are advised to know the learning styles of students first by giving a learning style questionnaire to students so the teacher can teach using a teaching method that suits the student's learning style.

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How to Cite
Firda Annisa Sukmayani, Yunik Susanti, & Diani Nurhajati. (2023). Differentiated Teaching Methods in Teaching Writing Viewed From The Students’ Learning Style at SMKN 2 Kediri. ELTT, 9(1), 131–135. Retrieved from https://proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id/index.php/eltt/article/view/4223


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