The impact of reading guide strategy to the student’s reading comprehension in online
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The aims of this study are to know the students’ reading comprehension before and after being taught using reading guide strategy and to find whether there is any impact of using reading guide approach on the students’ reading comprehension of SMAN 7 Kediri. The researchers used a pre-experimental study and quantitative approach with one group pre-test and post-take design. This research was conducted at SMAN 7 Kediri. The population of this study is the first grade students that consist of 369 students and the sample is XII MIPA class consists of 35 students. T-test was used to analyze the data with SPSS version 16.0. The results showed that t-score is higher than t-table in the level significant of 5% (2,042). The mean score of pretest is 52.90 with the total score 1.795 and mean score of posttest is 77,80 with the total score 2.645. The result of the research shows that there is any significant effect of using the reading guide strategy, it is proven by the different score between pretest and posttest. This strategy helps the students to solve their problems in reading comprehension. Students are able to understand the audio easily and enjoy in learning. Futhermore, the researchers suggest that in applying the strategy must be prepared in good atmosphere in order to make it success.
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