Incorporating Differentiated Listening Instructional Materials in English Listening Class of Mixed Competence Students
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The goal of this study was to determine the students' listening skills before and after being taught using differentiated instructions, and to see if there was a significant effect of using differentiated instruction techniques to phase E students at SMKN 2 Kediri in the 2022/2023 academic year. The researcher employed a method that is quantitative and quasi-experimental study with one group pretest and posttest. This study was carried out at SMKN 2 Kediri. The subjects of this study were students in phase E AKL 2. The sample was 34 students in tenth grade AKL 2. The students took pre-test, treatment test, and post-test. The data findings were acquired by analyzing the students' pretest and posttest values with the t-test formula by SPSS version 25. In the level of significance of 0,05, the data reveals that t-score is greater than t-table. The total score of 2.090 with mean pretest score is 61,47, while the total score of 2.710 with mean posttest score is 79,71. The research results suggest that utilizing differentiated instructions has a considerable impact, as seen by the difference in scores between the pretest and posttest. This strategy assists pupils in solving their listening learning challenges. Students may simply comprehend the topic and enjoy learning..
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