Assessment in blended learning

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Suci Ramadhani


This article is a concept article that discusses assessment in blended learning. Assessment is an ongoing process that is used to measure the learning process carried out. A good assessment is an assessment that pays attention to and adjusts to the needs and abilities of each student, but there are still many teachers who ignore this so that it has a negative impact on the results of the assessment obtained by students. The aim of this article is to discuss the role of assessment in determining learning methods and provide solutions related to techniques and instruments that can be used in conducting assessments in blended learning: it is argued that the assessment carried out must pay attention to humanizing relationships, understanding concepts, choosing challenges, empowering contexts, and building sustainability supported by theories related to assessment in blended learning.

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How to Cite
Suci Ramadhani, & Khoiriyah. (2022). Assessment in blended learning. ELTT, 8(1), 144–148. Retrieved from


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