Using Audio Visual Media To Improve Students Listening Ability Of Eight Grade Students Of English Department Of University Of Wahidiyah Kediri


  • Jenny Ika Misela Universitas Wahidiyah Kediri


listening Comprehension, audio visual


This research is generally to find the ability of English comprehension among students who are taught using audio-visual for eight grade students of English Department of University of Wahidiyah Kediri. Researchers used classroom action research (PTK). The research location is at English Department of University of Wahidiyah Kediri.and it is conducted on April 2024. The purpose of this research is improving the quality of their classroom performance the students who are taught by using audio visual media especially in listening skill. Researcher focuses on Using Audio Visual Media for Listening skill. It was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, test, observation, and documentation. The result of this research shows that (1) the implementation of audiovisual media to improve students’ listening skill in asking and giving opinion as a material was going smoothly. In the process, students paid attention, completed the task, more enthusiastic and not god bored quickly. The teacher also taught and gave material well. (2) There was improvement of students’ listening skill using audio visual media. It was shown in the result of research. The mean of pre-test and post-test cycle I was 72, 5 to 70, 1. The mean of pre-test and post-test cycle II were 77, 4 to 82,2. The percentages the students who pass the passing grade were 50% in the pre-test I, 28, 7% in the post test I. 78,7% pre-test cycle II, and 100% in post-test cycle II. It showed that the students’ percentage who got score higher than passing grade of post-test cycle II is higher than post-test cycle I. so the result was significant it means that the use audio visual media to improve students listening ability


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How to Cite

Jenny Ika Misela. (2024). Using Audio Visual Media To Improve Students Listening Ability Of Eight Grade Students Of English Department Of University Of Wahidiyah Kediri. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 7, 956–968. Retrieved from


