Analisis Perilaku Seks Bebas pada Remaja Di SMP Negeri 4 Pare
teens, sex, freeAbstract
Teenagers are the next generation of the nation's future who will determine the life of the family, nation and state in the future. Adolescence begins when a child becomes sexually mature and ends when he reaches a mature age physically and psychologically. Usually adolescence is considered to begin when a child becomes sexually mature and ends when he reaches the age of legal maturity. Thus, many statements from teenagers in Indonesia about free sex behavior are in line with the concept of free sex, which indicates that many teenagers understand correctly what is meant by free sex behavior. Thus, the knowledge of today's youth about free sex behavior can come from sources that cannot be accounted for because these sources of information cannot provide an explanation of what the information is conveyed, such as watching pornographic videos, reading pornographic books or comics, or other things in terms of globalization which has entered and damaged Indonesian culture, and can influence the minds and common sense of adolescents which can encourage adolescents to try things that deviate from the information they obtain
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