Analisis Kecanduan Bermain Game Online Siswa SMK PGRI 4 KEDIRI


  • Rosi Budiani Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
  • Risaniatin Ningsih Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Online games are digital games that can be played only when the device is connected to the internet and allows users to connect with other players playing the game at the same time. The online game atmosphere is designed to resemble the actual situation in the real world. Games or games that are a human psychological need are intended as a means of playing and refreshing the mind, it turns out to be things that bring misery when their use is no longer useful. The development of technology in the digital era is very fast and fast. Various technological developments can be accessed easily and even communication between individuals and others can be done in an interesting way, such as playing online games. At present the development of technology is increasing rapidly, this also affects online games which are increasingly exciting with attractive game appearances and animation effects, game graphics and high image resolution, as well as simple and easy-to-use game styles such as war, adventure and battle types.


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How to Cite

Rosi Budiani, & Risaniatin Ningsih. (2023). Analisis Kecanduan Bermain Game Online Siswa SMK PGRI 4 KEDIRI . Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 243–251. Retrieved from


