Analisis Media Interaktif Pada Materi Struktur Dan Fungsi Bagian Tumbuhan Kelas IV SDN Pakunden 1


  • Khoirotul Binti Saniah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Interactive media, Learning, Structure and function of plant parts, Media interaktif, Pembelajaran, Struktur dan fungsi bagian tumbuhan


This research aims to analyze the use of interactive media in learning the structure and function of plant parts in class IV of SDN Pakunden 1. Through the interview research method, researchers collected data about the perceptions and experiences of teachers and students regarding the use of interactive media in learning. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide an in-depth understanding of the benefits, challenges, and potential for developing the use of interactive media in the context of plant learning. This research involved several class IV teachers who had used interactive media in teaching material on the structure and function of plant parts, as well as several class IV students who had participated in learning using this interactive media. Individual interviews were conducted to obtain their views on the effectiveness of interactive media, the challenges they faced, and their impact on students' understanding.


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How to Cite

Saniah, K. B. . (2023). Analisis Media Interaktif Pada Materi Struktur Dan Fungsi Bagian Tumbuhan Kelas IV SDN Pakunden 1. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 2113–2117. Retrieved from


