Gambaran Romantisasi Kesehatan Mental pada Siswa Kelas VIII di MTsN 1 Kota Malang


  • Dhiza Nurhanifah Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Fathia Majida Thoyyib Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Liza Hasna Naziha Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Lutfi Fauzan Universitas Negeri Malang


Social Media, Mental Health, Romanticization of Mental Health


Social media as part of technological developments has had various impacts, including the romanticization of mental health in adolescents. This is the basis of this research which aims to determine the effect of social media on romanticizing mental health in class VIII students at MTsN 1 Malang City. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with a total of 20 students as subjects. The results of the study found that all students had social media, 50% knew the term mental health romance, 85% experienced symptoms of stress, 80% experienced symptoms of stress due to school work, 55% had shared feelings of stress or the like on social media, 45% had never received responses from people around when sharing feelings of stress on social media, 90% of students never asked for expert advice or advice when experiencing symptoms of stress, and 75% did not feel involved in sharing feelings of stress. This indicates that the students did not experience mental health romance incidents but they did not know the definition of it.


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How to Cite

Dhiza Nurhanifah, Fathia Majida Thoyyib, Liza Hasna Naziha, & Lutfi Fauzan. (2023). Gambaran Romantisasi Kesehatan Mental pada Siswa Kelas VIII di MTsN 1 Kota Malang. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 1952–1962. Retrieved from


