Teknik Behavior Contract untuk Mengurangi Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa
behavior contract technique, academic procrastinationAbstract
Learning is an obligation for students, students as learning subjects at school need good management of learning time to handle the tasks set by the teacher. So it requires a very good use of time, so that all activities can run effectively and efficiently and avoid delays or it is called procrastination. Procrastination is a delay in starting and completing a task by doing other activities that are not useful or more fun, complicate tasks, fail on time and cause discomfort. Many things make students procrastinate for various reasons, students think there is enough time to do assignments, students don't like subjects so they are lazy to do the assignments given. Losses resulting from procrastination behavior are tasks that are not completed or completed with less than optimal results. In addition, students who procrastinate have difficulty concentrating because they feel anxious and insecure. One effort to overcome student academic procrastination is to provide group guidance services to students using the behavior contract technique.
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