The Importance of Running Dictation to Increase Students' English Skill at University


  • Tenika Illananingtyas Tribakti Lirboyo Islamic University-Departement of Education and Teacher Training, Indonesia


running dictation, english skill, education


English is a language used to communicate in every country because now is the era of globalization. This study uses qualitative descriptive research. The data took from observation, observation, and documentation. It was according to triangulation data. This research aimed to increase English language skills by all students, especially students in education and teacher training. Running Dictation is an English learning program. The characteristic of research located in the process, the process of learning a previous student's English has low ability during the learning process looks active, eager to learn, and help each other students in completing assignments that are given. The activity can provide alternative problem-solving, namely the existence of appropriate English learning activities. The results of this study show that English is needed and seen from the enthusiasm of students to master English. For this reason, the role of higher education, especially English language education, is necessary to the community so that students can communicate actively in English, both written and oral official as a communication according to the needs of life.


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How to Cite

Illananingtyas, T. . (2023). The Importance of Running Dictation to Increase Students’ English Skill at University. Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 6, 418–423. Retrieved from


