The Effectiveness Of 3-2-1 Reflection Technique On Students Having Different Cognitive Styles


  • Devi Kusuma Ardhani Mahasiswa Pascasarjana IAIN Kediri
  • Khususiyah Khususiyah Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


3-2-1 Reflection Technique, Reading, Recount Text, Cognitive Style


In Indonesia,  all students of junior high schools are hoped to master skills (writing, speaking, listening, and reading) for some kinds of text (recount text, descriptive text, narrative text, etc), one of those is recount text. Actually, making that hope comes true seems easy but in fact, it becomes a problem of some students when they read a recount text. Additionally, there are many factors that make difficulties for students. Further, there are some factors that become a consideration for teachers in the teaching process especally, teaching reading. One of those is their cognitive styles. These problems make teachers who teach English especially reading recount text have to look for some effective teaching techniques so that their students are able to master reading skill especially, reading recount text enjoyably. Therefore, there is one of the techniques that can be an alternative in teaching reading. That is 3-2-1 Reflection Technique.


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How to Cite

Ardhani, D. K. ., & Khususiyah, K. (2021). The Effectiveness Of 3-2-1 Reflection Technique On Students Having Different Cognitive Styles . Prosiding SEMDIKJAR (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran), 4, 132–136. Retrieved from


