Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business 

Analysis Examination of the Execution of Bookkeeping Records as per SAK-EMKM in MSMEs (Contextual analysis of Isha Cake, Banjaran Town, Kediri City)


Financial Reports
Accounting Information System

How to Cite

Pertiwi, D. R. ., Winarko, S. P., & Kurniawan, A. (2024). Analysis Examination of the Execution of Bookkeeping Records as per SAK-EMKM in MSMEs (Contextual analysis of Isha Cake, Banjaran Town, Kediri City). Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic &Amp; Business, 2, 656–665. Retrieved from


Research aim: To find out and examine the use of SAK EMKM to MSMEs, to see if the SAK EMKM bookkeeping recording framework has been carried out in MSMEs, to figure out the impediments looked in carrying out SAK EMKM to MSMEs.

Design/Method/Approach: Research utilizes expressive subjective strategies, information gathered through interviews and monetary report documentation.

Research Finding: The consequences of the exploration show that PT Inside factors incorporate an absence of comprehension of SAK and HR (HR). The outer component is the absence of management from partners who have an interest in monetary reports for MSMEs.

Theoretical contribution/Originality: The quick development of MSMEs is affected by the strength of the capital they have. MSMEs whose organizations are developing quickly require capital credits from banks or capital help from financial backers. In the mean time, all MSMEs can't get credits effectively, in light of the fact that there are necessities that are not met, to be specific monetary reports that don't conform to principles. At Isha Cake has barely any familiarity with the SAK-EMKM based monetary reports which became effective on January 1 2018.

Practitionel/Policy implication: The hindrances by and by to executing SAK-EMKM are, absence of comprehension of SAK, and HR doesn't figure out Bookkeeping. To beat this, Isha Cake ought to go to a course on monetary recording/fundamental bookkeeping information.

Research limitation: Limits in this examination, Shortcomings incorporate, Promoting Troubles, Monetary Constraints, Restricted HR (HR). In this examination, the impediments in leading exploration are, Isha Cake doesn't maintain that the proprietor should give his yearly monetary records to plan proper monetary reports. correlations can't be made.



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