Mechanics Error Analysis on Skripsi Abstract Written by English Education Department Students

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Arik Rahma Eka Puteri
Mahendra Puji Permana Aji


Abstract in skripsi an important part because it gives the readers a whole picture of the skripsi’s content. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to its detail so that misunderstanding can be avoided. This research is aimed to find and describe the errors in writing skripsi abstract, especially in using the mechanics of writing, which include: capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. This research applied qualitative descriptive method in analyzing the data which is taken from 22 skripsi abstracts written by English Education Department students and published in 2022. The result showed that the numbers of errors found was quite high. The total number of errors found is 253 errors. The most frequent error committed is punctuation while the less frequent error committed is spelling. Furthermore, the errors found were classified based on surface taxonomy strategy, such as: omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering. Error of addition represents the highest group of error (35.97%) followed by error of misinformation (32.81%), error of omission (30.83%), and lastly error of misordering (0.40%).

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How to Cite
Arik Rahma Eka Puteri, Mahendra Puji Permana Aji, & Khoiriyah. (2023). Mechanics Error Analysis on Skripsi Abstract Written by English Education Department Students. ELTT, 9(1), 37–44. Retrieved from


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