The impact of using tiktok on the students’ listening skill

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Rhenovia Rahmawati
Mahendra Puji Permana Aji


In this era, where technology is getting better and students’ can easily learn from any source and make it easier to learn English especially listening skills, therefore students need new and interesting things to keep learning to listen. The solution, educators are required to design learning media as innovations by utilizing online media, one of the famous online media that can be applied in teaching listening is TikTok, TikTok can create an enjoyable teaching and learning listening skill. The aims of this research are to know students’ listening skill before and after being taught using TikTok application, and to know whether there is any significant effect of using TikTok application to the students of SMK PGRI 3 Kediri in Academic Year 2021/2022.
The researcher used a pre-experimental research and quantitative approach with one group pretest and post-test. This research was conducted at SMK PGRI 3 Kediri. The subject of this research is first grade students, the population of the research consists of 45 students and the sample was X AKL class that consists of 19 students. The students were given pretest, treatment, and posttest. The treatment was conducted once in order to know whether a significant effect is of using TikTok application in teaching listening skill. The data result got from students’ score of pretest and posttest that analyzed using t-test formula. The researcher uses SPSS version 16.0.
The data result shows that t-score is higher than t-table in the level significant of 5% (2,101). The mean score of pretests is 56,05 with the total score 1080 and mean score of posttest is 87,11 with the total score 1655. The result of the research shows that there is any significant effect of using the TikTok application, it is proven by the different score between pretest and posttest. This application helps the students to solve their problems in listening skill. Students are able to understand the audio easily and enjoy in learning. Furthermore, the teacher suggests that in applying the application must be prepared in good atmosphere in order to make it success.

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How to Cite
Rhenovia Rahmawati, Khoiriyah, & Mahendra Puji Permana Aji. (2022). The impact of using tiktok on the students’ listening skill. ELTT, 8(1), 118–123. Retrieved from


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