Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business 

The Effect of Environmental Performance on Financial Performance with Good Corporate Govermance as a Moderating Variable in Mining Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2017-2020


Good Corporate Gonvernance
Financial Performance
Corporate Finance

How to Cite

Ayu, B. D. P., & Ajiani, I. P. F. (2023). The Effect of Environmental Performance on Financial Performance with Good Corporate Govermance as a Moderating Variable in Mining Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2017-2020. Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic &Amp; Business, 1, 107–115. Retrieved from


Research aim : This study aims to prove that good corporate governance can strengthen the influence of environmental performance on the financial performance of mining companies.

Design/Method/Approach : This research is an explanatory research to test a theory or hypothesis to strengthen or even reject the theory or hypothesis of existing research results and the approach used is a quantitative approach. The population in this study is mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2017-2020. This research sample used the puposive sampling method and obtained 13 companies in (one period) that met the criteria. The data analysis method used in this study was processed using SPSS software version 25.

Research Finding : The results showed that good corporate governance can strengthen the influence of environmental performance on the financial performance of mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2020 period.

Theoretical contribution/Originality : -

Practitionel/Policy implication : -

Research limitation : -



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