Efektifitas Kapur Gamping untuk Mengendalikan Kutu Sisik (Aonidiella aurantii ) pada Tanaman Apel
apple, limestone, red scalesAbstract
Apple has high economic value and contains high vitamins. One of the causes of the decline in apple production is plant disturbing organisms. Red scales (Aonidiella aurantii) is one of the most important pests in apple. The losses caused by the scales are causing disruption of production and growth processes, even leading to plant death. The effectiveness of limestone in controlling red scales (Aonidiella aurantii) on apple trees was carried out in the experimental garden of the Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute Jl. Raya Tlekung No.1, Junrejo-Batu City, from March to June 2017. The treatments tested are the limestone concentration of A. 10%, B. 20%, C. 30%, D. 40%, E. 50 %, F. Control. The treatments were arranged using a Randomized Block Design and repeated three times. The test results showed that limestone of E. 50% concentration applied by spraying on the stems of apple trees effectively suppressed the development of red scales population with an average population of 3/10 cm.
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