Media Baca Masyarakat: Pengembangan Booklet Berbasis Hasil Penelitian


  • Andika Septiana Indrawati IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
  • Trio Ageng Prayitno IKIP Budi Utomo Malang



vaginal discharge, booklet, Borg and Gall


Whitish or mucus discharge is clear and odorless and colorless in the vagina. One of the causes is the fungus Candida albicans. Candida albicans growth can be inhibited with Mentha arvensis L. leaf extract. Extracts of Mentha arvensis L. plant leaves contain an antimicrobial compounds. Batu City community especially women of childbearing age often experience vaginal discharge. As many 40% community women of childbearing age in the Batu City detected have vaginal discharge. One of the media that can introduce the benefits of the Mentha arvensis L. plant is the booklet. They do not yet know that whitish disease can be treated with Mentha arvensis L. leaf extract. one of the media that can introduce the benefits of the Mentha arvensis L. plant is a booklet. This research aims to produce a booklet on research “Mint Leaf Barrier Extract (Mentha arvensis L.) on Growth of Candida albicans Fungus” .The research method using Research and Development (R & D) with Borg and Gall modified model from stage 1 until 7 because of the limitations of development. The results research and development showed the booklet is valid categories by the expert team. The public provides a valid value on the booklet because it is practical, efficient and easy to understand and based on the result of research. Based on descriptin above, it can be concluded that the developed booklets are categorized as valid and suitable for use by public as a media to read about the benefits leaves of Mentha arvensis L. as a barrier on growth of Candida albicans fungus that cause vagina discharge.


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How to Cite

Indrawati, A. S. ., & Prayitno, . T. A. . (2018). Media Baca Masyarakat: Pengembangan Booklet Berbasis Hasil Penelitian. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hayati, 6(1), 379–390.