The Implementation of Think-Talk -Write in Teaching Writing at SMAN 7 Kota Kediri

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Dina Mery Anggraini
Suhartono Suhartono


Difficulties in writing can be overcome in various ways, teachers using Think-Talk-Write is one of those ways. This research focuses on how to implement This strategy in teaching writing, what problems are experienced by the teacher when using Think- Talk- Write, and what are the solutions from the teachers to provide successful learning. In this research, the writer used the qualitative approach And the subject of the research is the English Teacher. Observation, interview, and documentation are the instruments to collect data. The data analyzed using; 1) organizing and familiarizing, 2) coding and reducing, and 3) interpreting and representing. The researcher found some results on collected data, they are; 1) The English teacher implemented TTW strategy in teaching writing which can help students to learn writing. Teaching and learning process started from teacher preparing the lesson plans and the materials. The teacher used stages: Think, Talk, and Write by presenting material from media that are interesting to students. 2) Problems faced by English teacher when using this strategy is in managing time and classroom conditioning. 3) The teacher's solution to the problems in teaching using this strategy is to provide intense motivation and assistance to participate in each process of implementing this method. This strategy can help students to explore and develop student ideas. The researcher suggests English teachers to use Think Talk-Write because it can create a process situation in increase student’s participation and skill in learning and teaching process.

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How to Cite
Dina Mery Anggraini, Sulistyani, & Suhartono, S. (2023). The Implementation of Think-Talk -Write in Teaching Writing at SMAN 7 Kota Kediri. ELTT, 9(1), 69–72. Retrieved from


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