Onyx Stone Waste As a Replacement of Coarse Aggregate In Concrete Mixture


Onyx Waste
Compressive Strength
Age of Concrete
Water Cement Ratio

How to Cite

Hadi Nugroho, D. (2022). Onyx Stone Waste As a Replacement of Coarse Aggregate In Concrete Mixture. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 199–207. https://doi.org/10.29407/int.v1i1.2609


To overcome the waste problem, the onyx and marble industries in Tulungagung are abundant and have the potential to be used as aggregates in concrete mixes designed as concrete. The compressive strength study was carried out on 30 concrete cylindrical specimens measuring 15x30 cm, tested at 28 days. The concrete mixture was planned to reach a strength of 20 MPa with a value of Water Cement Factor (W/C ratio); of 0.4. The results showed that the compressive strength of onyx reached the target, the strength ratio was almost the same as that of ordinary crushed coarse aggregate, and the difference was about 17% from the value of the compressive strength of standard concrete. From these results, the use of onyx stone as a substitute for crushed stone can be used as concrete with more aesthetic value.



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