The Relationship Between Philosophy and Ideology: Philosophical Study of Pancasila as Philosofische Grondslag



How to Cite

Pristiani, Y. D. ., Ningrum, A. J., & Ma’rifani, M. . (2022). The Relationship Between Philosophy and Ideology: Philosophical Study of Pancasila as Philosofische Grondslag. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 358–371.


This article discusses the relationship between philosophy and ideology. Philosophy is a process of thinking deeply, critically, and thoroughly, thinking systematically in order to obtain a conclusion that can be the basis, view of life, ideals, and self-identity of a nation. This conclusion is called ideology. The Indonesian state also has an ideology which is the basis and foundation that influences the life of the nation and state. Pancasila, which was formulated through a consensus by the founding fathers, aims to become a guide for Indonesian society where the sources of the values ​​that make up the five Pancasila are extracted and rooted in the culture and values ​​of life of the Indonesian people themselves. This article was prepared using lecture notes and journals on philosophy, ideology, and Pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian nation.


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Copyright (c) 2022 Yunita Dwi Pristiani, Ayu Jelita Ningrum, M. Ma’rifani


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