Information Security : The Landscape of Management In Electronic Record


Security threat
Security control
Information Security Management
Electronic Health Record (EHR)

How to Cite

Shamim, M. . (2022). Information Security : The Landscape of Management In Electronic Record. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 336–348.


Protecting information based on physical boundaries and firewall technologies are outdated and inadequate in this area. Today the more efforts to establish a successful information security practice by developing rules regulating and making the users understand how to follow the prescribed information security rules and policies also is not likely to be successful. Thus, a better understanding on holistic process of information security protection in healthcare industry is very important to manage information security management. Nowadays, the increasing role of information technology platform in organizing health information has led to the need of review on the confidentiality, privacy, and security of electronic information. The widespread use of electronic health records (EHRs) in healthcare industry is prevailing. Once information is electronically stored and shared, it opens the door for hackers and other malicious attackers to access the records.. Therefore, this paper is to scrutinize the landscape of security management elements that contribute on successful of implementing security management in healthcare industry. This paper also includes overview on identifying the simple process of security management that will helps any organization in healthcare industry to formulate, implement and manage any medical or hospital information system.


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