This study aims to compare the profit optimization of bread production in Home Industry Potatora Bakery by forming a linear program whose function is to maximize the profit of bread production and the constraint function in the form of raw material for bread products in 45 gram packaging and bread production time. The data used is data on bread production at Home Industry Potatora Bakery in 2022. The methods used in this study are Linear Programming and Cutting Plane methods. The results of the optimization calculation using the linear programming method, namely the maximum profit in a day is Rp. 557,188.5 in the production of 2 types of bread, which include 337 packs of Boi Chocolate Bread and 143.75 Streussel Strawberry Bread. As for the results of optimization calculations using the cutting method, namely the maximum profit of Rp. 557,870 in the production of 2 types of bread, which includes 338 packs of Boi Chocolate Bread and 144 Streussel Strawberry Breads. Based on the calculation results, it can be said that the benefits obtained by using the plane cutting method are more leverage than the linear programming method.
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