The Role of Agroindustry in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


sustainable agriculture

How to Cite

Diah Lestari, M., & Faisal, H. N. . (2022). The Role of Agroindustry in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Proceedings of the International Seminar on Business, Education and Science, 1(1), 233–240.


Indonesia is one of the countries that has a potential area in the agricultural sector, has an area of ​​land that can be used and utilized in the agricultural sector. The majority of people are farmers, which is one of the interests of the work carried out by people in various regions in Indonesia. The vast potential of land is one of the main factors for people to choose farmers to be one of the main jobs for people in rural areas in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The purpose of this research is to see the role of agroindustry in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From the research, information is obtained that agro-industry is one of the fields that is able to bring Indonesia to a more developed state and becomes an importer in agriculture, it is necessary for the participation of the younger generation and also the role of the government in development efforts in an increasingly modern era.


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